
A horrible break-up, a devastating betrayal, an unbelievable family secret, a friendship gone bad, a deeply regrettable mistake – no matter what the pain, agony, or trauma and whether it was done to you or by you, healing is necessary.

Past demons and skeletons can hold us hostage. It’s like being in psychological prison. It’s debilitating, defeating, devastating, and often depressing. Healing from past wounds is easier said than done but doing so will allow you to live an unlimited life. So, where does healing begin?

Forgive – who are you letting hold you back because you’re angry or disappointed? Is it a family member, friend, current or former significant other…or is it you? Breathe in new beginnings and release your dark past. Also remember, you are NOT your past. It takes time but find it in your heart to forgive.

Process your pain – part of the reason we carry heavy stones on our back from the past is because we don’t take the time to process painful things that have happened to us. Talk through your feelings, reflect on your learnings, gain perspective from others (including professionals if that helps). Don’t bottle up your emotions!

Build community – surround yourself with people who pour into you in meaningful ways – people that help you grow, make you laugh, offer different perspectives, support you with your goals, listen without judgment, and uplift you in your time of need, especially when it comes to healing and moving on.

Choose positive outlets – do what makes you feel good. Don’t wallow. Whether it’s being cozy indoors with a cup of tea and journaling or sweating it out at your favorite workout class, activate your mind, body, and spirit in ways that fill you up.

Embrace the present – pay attention to what is right in front of you. Appreciate the smell of the rain, the beauty of the flowers, all the green lights you got today, or the epiphany you got from reading a book. When you appreciate what’s here and now, you won’t be mired in the past.

Be future-focused – what is it that you want and who is it that you want to be? Is it starting a business, working with a charity, buying that dream home, taking that marvelous trip, paying off a debt, or something else? You can’t be buried in a poisonous past if you’re focused on a fantastic future.

How are you doing on your healing journey?

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